Documentary by Anja Pohl and Jörg Adolph
Formerly known as MAKING OF HEIMAT
Runtime: 119 Min. | Language: German with English Subtitles
Territories: World
Stream: MP4 HD (1080) | Price: 3,90 Euro
In between celebrating 50 years of the Oberhausen Manifesto and his 80th birthday, Edgar Reitz is shooting a new film. With DIE ANDERE HEIMAT he tries to continue the world famous legacy of his Heimat trilogy, building on his early and almost forgotten work for the cinema. That is why an entire village in the German Hunsrück region, is returning visually to the year 1840, as several line-ups for the main cast are tested. Thus comes to life a nearly four-hour film – and a late work of the New German Cinema.
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Watch the trailer (sorry trailer only in german, hole film with english subtitles)
The Cinema According to Edgar Reitz
Documentary by Anja Pohl and Jörg Adolph
Germany 2013
The documentary observes every step in the production of this challenging work, showing the peculiar world of filmmaking from Edgar Reitz’s perspective. In doing so, the documentary strictly follows Edgar Reitz request: “Please don‘t shoot an ordinary making-of. Make a film about filmmaking!”